For Your Information

Homework is sent home on Monday, students have all week to work on homework. Students should read at least 20 minutes every night.
Your child's agenda is a great way to communicate with me. I check agendas daily, and will also leave notes in agenda for you. Make sure you check your child's agenda daily.
Thursday Folders
Thursday folders go home every week on Thursday. These folders contain important information from our school. I also send student work home in the folders. Please make sure you ask your child for their folder, and have them return them the next day.
Class Dojo
Our school uses Class Dojo to help with behavior. We have linked our Dojo points to the 7 Habits. Students are awarded Dojo points when they are caught exhibiting any of our 7 Habits. Please ask your student what habits they showed each day. Dojo is a great way for parents to message me throughout the day. You may also monitor your child's behavior throughout the day using Dojo.